Acupuncture course (cum laude) Traditional Chinese Medicine Academy Netherlands in Amsterdam.
Medische Basiskennis CPION (Basic Western medical training) (cum laude) Traditional Chinese Medicine Academy Netherlands in Amsterdam
Toyohari is an acupuncture style developed by blind acupuncturists in Japan. It is a subtle and painless way of working on the surface of the skin. Nevertheless, the effect is powerful and very suitable for sensitive people or people with a fear of needles.
Epiphora Method
The Epiphora Method is a method used for unexplained lack of recovery from conditions such as Post Concussion Syndrome, Aura-Migraine, Whiplash Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, long Covid, ME/CFS, restless legs, Psoriatic Arthritis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, and persistent physical symptoms (ALK, formerly MUS). This method helps people to regain more control over their own lives by means of movement and breathing exercises.
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Post-COVID syndrome (Kris Oosting)
With the Tan Balance Method I focuse on the following Post-Covid symptoms:- a feeling of tightness with breathlessness
- coughing
- sleep complaints
- extreme fatigue after exercise
- brain fog
- joint pain and/or stiffness
- muscle weakness
- gastrointestinal complaints
Specialisation in Japanese Acupuncture, Kiiko Matsumoto style:
- Japanese Acupuncture Foundation Course (Andy Harrop)
- Treating persistent and chronic illnesses (Kiiko Matsumoto)
- Treating digestive system problems (Andy Harrop)
- Treating the kidneys and bladder (Andy Harrop)
- Treating postural problems (Andy Harrop)
Specialisation in Tan Balance Method
- Treating pain effectively I, II and III (Kris Oosting)
- Effective handling of complaints related to organ function, part 1 Yi Jing (Kris Oosting)
Specialisation in S.S.O.M.A.
Acupuncture from the embryological and evolutionary development approach, related to the book “The Uncharted Body” by Daniel Keown The connection between Eastern and Western medicine.
Shonishin (Stephen Birch)
An absolutely pain-free form of specialised acupuncture for children and babies.
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Divergent trajectories (Brechtje Sebregts)
This method aids the removal of residual symptoms of an infection or overwhelmingly negative/sickening emotion.
Western medical courses
- Gynaecology, lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases (Liong-Kie Ko)
- Oncology (NVA)
- Various courses related to digestion and nutrition
- Depression, bipolarity, suicide (Duuk Sierink)
- Sports injuries (Frank van Hellemondt and Robbart van Linschoten)
Therapeutic training
- Various courses related to therapeutic education
- Intervision