Epiphora method

Do you (sometimes) suffer from:

  • a feeling of pressure on the top of your head
  • hair root pain/scalp pain
  • blurred vision
  • hypersensitivity to sound and/or light
  • stiff, acidified muscles
  • a cold body
  • irritable bowel
  • brain fog

… then there is a good chance that the blood flow to your brain is not optimal and you would most likely benefit from the Epiphora Method. The above symptoms can occur in the following conditions:
Post Concussion Syndrome, Aura-Migraine, Whiplash Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, long Covid, ME/CFS, restless legs, Psoriatic arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, and persistant Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms.

What is the Epiphora method?

Epiphora is a combination of different exercises which you can learn in a few consultations to help you regain control of your health.

Physical movement exercises pave the way for improved blood circulation, and breathing exercises help to quickly calm your nervous system. The combination of these exercises ensures success. You get out of the stress mode and stress leaves your head and into your body.

The exercises are done three times a day for ten or fifteen minutes and can be performed lying in bed. If that is not feasible, we will look at what is possible and effective for you.

Learning the method takes an average of three consultations. To ensure good results, it is important that you perform the exercises accurately. That is why I pay special attention to your body awareness and load capacity. And during every consultation I check how you execute the exercises, your performance and the effects.

In addition, I pay attention to your posture. A good alignment of the neck results in fewer neck and shoulder complaints and better blood circulation to the brain.

Would you like to know more?

In the video link below, the founder of the Epiphora Method, Hans Timmerman, explains in a nutshell what it is and how it works (dutch language).

In this extensive podcast, Hans Timmerman explains what the above symptoms have to do with reduced blood circulation in the brain (dutch language).